Amcal Pharmacy are very excited to welcome popular local Naturopath Juan Jose Polit (“JJ” for short) who has joined the team.

JJ is a university Qualified Naturopath. He holds a Bachelor Health Science Degree in Naturopathy from UNE.  He brings a wealth of experience, having worked in the Natural Health industry for more than 15 years. During this time, JJ has helped hundreds of people regain their health and vitality.

JJ believes that integrating conventional and traditional medicine is imperative to be able to provide the best care for individuals. He lives and breathes what he practices and he is a great example of the zest and vitality that he strives to help others to find in their own lives.

JJ has shared his “Top 3 Tips” to stay healthy and improve your energy this year:

1. Stay hydrated

We all know the importance of drinking water. Even in the air-conditioning you can get extremely dehydrated and you may not even feel thirsty. Make sure you drink at least 2 litres per day. Keep a water bottle with measurements beside you so you can keep track of how much water you’re drinking. Try setting a reminder to ensure you drink water frequently during the day.

2. Get a good night sleep

Sleep is what keeps us going during the day so make sure to get enough sleep during the night. Talk to us if you have trouble falling asleep or if you often wake up during the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.

3. Take a good Vitamin B complex

Vitamin B supports the energy pathways in the body. Make sure you ask our Naturopath for a high quality supplement.

If you are unsure about how JJ can help you, please book a free 15 minute discovery call where you will have a chat with him and find out if he can support you with your current health issue.

Book your discovery call or appointment here.